The personal diary of fashion accessory brand owner Rianna Phillips.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Inspiration - Project ; Testing

For the next project at uni I decided to carry on the diamond, shattered glass, encrusted theme. Whilst researching existing garments and accessories along those lines I found this marvelous collection from Maud Traon.
The website is fascinating.
I can't pick a favourite, they are all stunning.








liana said...

adore the 4th and the one in black n white.
these pieces are so unique...i'm in love.

Good Girls Studio said...

The pink one is awesome, like shards of feathers! I wonder how comfortable they are though! Hope your project is coming along well!

Amica said...

Wow this is just soo gorgeous, very unique and special, love all of them!
Good luck with the project!
And thx for visiting my blog and commenting =)

Anonymous said...

WOAHH! These blow my mind, they are amazing. Thank you for sharing.

cody said...

they are amazing :D

Rebecca said...

those are the coolest things ever

FASH ON said...

Those rings are amazing! Where can i get my hands on one?!


daisychain said...

Um, wow! Incredible.

Fashion By He said...

awesome rings!! love the blog

come follow the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think

blabla said...

WOW! These are just great!!

Fashion Garden said...

wow those ring are stunning !

Sharon said...

Hi there-these are just so awesome, thanks for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Amazing rings !

STARR said...

Those must look Amazing on!

anArchitekt said...

that black and white one is beautiful, it'd look totally badass on me

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I love the 1st and last-gorgeous pieces! thanks for stopping by & your comment, hope to see u again soon :)

Winchester Manor said...

Le sigh...they are stunning! You are one very talented lady. Love your blog!!


Lori said...

those are soo amazing. im speechless

Pearl Westwood said...

Hi, yes I did go to the general store - wish I'd know you were there we could have had a gossip! I wasnt all that impressed to be honest, I think they should have been more positive and given the students some tips and actual advise, rather than give all the negatives! Every career is tough, styling is no harder than anything else if you work hard enough you can do anything.
I am hoping to go to the mudpie forcasting one, are you going to that?
Your work is looking amazing, hope your project is going well x

Devon said...

Absolutely stunning. Awesome blog. x

Jazz Virtue said...

Love the pictures, and the picture in your side bar with the diamond face is amazing!
I've left you a little award on my blog by the way :) x

Pearl Westwood said...

@Rianna - Oh yep guilty as charged! I had my Chanel bag, I think I hand my hand up for every category, Topshop, primark, vintage, designer!! Yeah I'm not planning a career change but I like to go to support Manchester Fashion and network, but I was so tired though I sat, listened and left.
They did have some good points, it was interesting to hear how they all climbed the career ladder, and the all the different types of styling. Your poor friends I did see a lot of horror struck faces, thats why I wish they had gone into more of the positves.
Might see you at the mudpie then - they still havent put up time & place yet so will know if I can make it when they do

the style crusader said...

oh those are incredible. i think my favourite is the second to last. can't imagine wearing something like that! so cool xx

Leah said...

You are right... everything is just gorgeous! xoxo

Couture Carrie said...

Exquisite rings, darling!
Especially loving the last one!

Hope you had a fab weekend, RB!


Lisa Lisa Lisa said...

Those pieces are AMAZING!!! I especially like the two black pieces.

LYDIA HOPE said...

I want one, they're just incredible! Do you know how much they retail for? Love your blog :)

Anonymous said...

I really cant get over these rings!!!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Really interesting designs, I also love how your posts evolve around a theme. Lovely blog!

Trains and Sewing Machines said...

These rings are gorgeous! I love the pink one. Amazing.

bravegrrl said...

you are right, they are all stunning, they put all the popular boho rings to shame...


Anonymous said...

Umm, I want them ALL! They are so unique and perfect!!


Katarina Kühl ~ PencilFashion said...

wow, they're gorgeous!
(and thanks so much for your sweet comment!)

Ljubica said...

these are absolutely beautiful!
i want them ALL!

Anonymous said...

omgthese are amazing! i want the first one! xo aimee

ilovecoolthings said...

holyshit those are CRAZY

Sammy-B said...

wow sooo gorgeous, i love the colours and there uniqueness! im following :) come follow me :) want to exchange links? love sammy

Morning Cloak said...

I want a solid chunk of moon rock on my finger too! You didn't make these did you? If so are they for sale? (VERY interested customer!)

Lorena said...

WOW these are pure brilliance, great find!

Anonymous said...

woah these are GORGEOUS

Annabelle Rachael Taylor said...

these rings are immense, love them. what is with my update. rarr

K'arhol said...

I was just lik , "huum im gonna delete dat blog" when i saw ur comment and then ...
thks for savin my blog !!

blacktobianco said...

these are so other worldly beautiful xxx