
Sunday, 24 June 2012

Manchester School of Art Degree Show 2012

Last week I went to have a mooch around my old uni's degree show. I graduated last summer but went back a few months ago to talk to the final year Textile Design for Fashion students about their final year projects (see the blog post here). Well the degree show was fantastic and they all did amazingly. I filled a memory card with pics so here are a selected few. The show was in Spinningfields this year which I thought worked well. So much more space and a lot more in the surrounding area (like 'hey little cupcake' the most amazing cupckae shop). so anyway ENJOY!

Rachel Edmond - the print . . . OH THE PRINT!

Gavin Donnachie - interesting portfolio layout

Zoe Pritchard - cool bag alert!

Laura Baker - Am sooo impressed with this print, it's beautiful

Hannah Bellamy - am slightly obsessed with this project, print, flowing fabric, yellow, blue . . . what more could you want!

Hannah Voong - loved her portfolio, drawing, print and layout

Monday, 18 June 2012

Rac Boutique

Whilst I was in Toronto last week I came across the most fantastic independant boutique called 'Rac'. It had the most spot on immaculate styling and merchandising. And to make the experience even better, the curaters of the store didn't mind me taking a million pictures to share with you on my blog (I literally photographed EVERYTHING!)
I think what I loved about this one off little gem of a shop was the mix of brands, they had a lot of my favourites like Sass and Bide (That fluro and metallic bag you can see below), Mara Hoffman and Marcus Lupfer mixed in with a few new names that I hadn't heard of. I fell in love with a hand knitted tank by Correll Correll, you can see it below and find it on their website here. The jewellery selection was off the scale, I was completely taken in with the Assad Mounser pieces they carried. The one pictured below with the hints of blue was stunning, see it better here.

So here is a selection from the pics I took. 
You can find this beautiful boutique at 124 Cumberland Street, Toronto, Canada, they also have a fab website where you can find pretty much everything i've snapped which is

Thanks very much to the lovely Faith and Glenna for the wonderful shopping experience, will visit again next time im in Toronto!


Monday, 11 June 2012

Studded Tote

While I'm gathering thoughts, images and energy after my recent trip to Toronto I will share with you this large hand dyed studded cotton drill tote that is new in my online shop, see it here.