
Sunday, 24 June 2012

Manchester School of Art Degree Show 2012

Last week I went to have a mooch around my old uni's degree show. I graduated last summer but went back a few months ago to talk to the final year Textile Design for Fashion students about their final year projects (see the blog post here). Well the degree show was fantastic and they all did amazingly. I filled a memory card with pics so here are a selected few. The show was in Spinningfields this year which I thought worked well. So much more space and a lot more in the surrounding area (like 'hey little cupcake' the most amazing cupckae shop). so anyway ENJOY!

Rachel Edmond - the print . . . OH THE PRINT!

Gavin Donnachie - interesting portfolio layout

Zoe Pritchard - cool bag alert!

Laura Baker - Am sooo impressed with this print, it's beautiful

Hannah Bellamy - am slightly obsessed with this project, print, flowing fabric, yellow, blue . . . what more could you want!

Hannah Voong - loved her portfolio, drawing, print and layout


  1. wow, great inspiration. talented design students!

  2. Wow, these amazing. I wish I had this sort of talent, the print and the illustrations and everything - gorgeous!

  3. So amazing! Thank you for sharing!!
