The personal diary of fashion accessory brand owner Rianna Phillips.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Recycling Cloth

For my latest project we were covering a brief set up by a clothes company that recycles old garments into new ones (Upcycling). The designers were from 123 Bethnall Green Road in London. Here are the inspiration images from preen, and a few pages from my sketch book. And lastly some of the samples I created from an old bed sheet, some jersey vest tops and a few doilies and silk waist ties given to me by work.


Anonymous said...

whoaa u such a creative person!

Aline said...

I am so excited that you posted...what beautiful things!

phamzy said...

there's always a fashion statement in oddz and endz garments! that's a very creative idea!

Imelda said...

Looks great!

ilikestuff said...

I love the texture and detail on these. Oh, to be able to sew proficiently! I think it would change my life!!

Unknown said...

what a fantastic idea! and the outputs turned out so well! a great way to be creative and at the same time help out the environment. kudos!

much love

prettyneons said...

Recycling is a blast, these are pretty pieces, girly.
PeAce & BoWs...
prettyneons x

Sharon said...

Hi there-what beautiful designs, you are doing really well my dear!

Robin Bailey said...

Oh, so much fun.
You're incredibly talented.

Noelle Chantal said...

wow you are really talented! your fabric choices are interesting, doillies and bedsheets, wow! you are very innovative lady! i'm excited to see more of this. i like the mix and match of textures and designs in this project. amazing pieces! :)

Jojo said...

WOW how beautiful are they...

. said...

Ooh, what a cool way to recycle things! I loved all your zipper posts as well! (Suz) said...

how nice! very creative indeed. and it's beautiful stuff as well!

Boubou said...

love the details !
well if you wanna be inspired by my collages or just dream, come and visit my blog :)
A bientot!
Boubouteatime xx

Mads said...

that's what you call talent!! love the 1st and 3rd the most!=)


Daisy said...

So Pretty!
Would you like to exchange links? Ive added you to my blog list :)