So far so good, enjoying the internship and already learning a lot!
Pictures of a photoshoot I tweeted about to follow soon.
Just came across Roberto Cavallis colourful new collection and am in 2 minds about it. Some of it is crazy but the prints are drawing me in. And the leather jackets are all a bit gorgeous.
I'd love to clash a jet black leather jacket with some insane girly print.
love this!! this is awesome!!
great collection! I love it! xx
thans for the comment! love the 2nd, 3rd, 11th and 12th outfits, gorgeous x
Wow, that is kind of seeing a more artistic perspective of h&m's youthline. So straight leather jackets with clean lines and coloured safari. Have a feeling next summer will be fab if this keeps up!
Wow, this is such an amazing collection! I like it heaps.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I really like yours so I am going to follow :)
wow, love it! ♥
looove <3
Ah Cavalli, he's always amazing <3
Like your blog, following you :)
Thank you for your comment :) I prefer the more romantic looks like the nude dress and the black one too. But I love big flowers!
Wow, it feels like an acid trip. I love the animal print.
Loving these prints and colours :)
Love this post, its all very inspiring and the textures and patterns are amazing!!
Just found your comment, tunbridge wells is quite good, if you like live bands and bars but like you said its mainly local pubs... head up the pantiles and if you walk up the hill slightly, go to woods! It's a nice place to drink. If not the forum is good to check out live bands, its a little didgy place but everyones lovely and has a good vibe! Yeah, brighton is probably best, it has a bit of everything plus clubbing on a thursday is pretty cheap! Hope th is helps you! Emma :) xx
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